Monday, 2 April 2007

4 Sunderland Digital Challenge

The Brightside Trust is one of the partners in the recently successful digital challenge bid for Sunderland; see this article from the Guardian for a description of what this will mean,,2038428,00.html. I think it is worth noting how the program is to be driven by community involvement and demand. Although we are only specifically committed to delivering an e-mentoring project in a local school, I think the fluidity of the approach means that we could reasonably suggest other projects and initiatives and see if they find a favourable response. Have a look, any ideas?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Definitely! John's previous entry about Brightside moving towards helping the bottom 40% (you know what's coming next) points to e-mentoring for children in care as an excellent project for Sunderland. Post-pilot, the project has the flexibility to be used/ cloned for other vulnerable groups. Have I sold the idea yet?!