Sunday, 12 August 2007

2 Whistling Eddie

According to Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, ‘Pupils should be able to get into top universities by taking the new Diplomas instead of the traditional A-levels’ Will the health option level 3 diploma get you into medical school? Will it even get you an interview? I doubt it, but why not ask them Ed? How does this square with . Whistling in the wind has been the musical accompaniment to vocational training in the UK for the last 50 years and it’s not a popular act.

1 comment:

Nance said...

Good points! Before kicking off another load of vocational qualifications, we need to be sure that HEIs will accept them. I agree that it's unlikely, in which case kids from wealthy/educated families will be steered away from them and the divide in education between academic (as the 'gold standard') and vocational (as a poor second choice for people who can't get a levels) will just continue.