Sunday, 12 August 2007

4 Everyone’s Favourite Philanthropist

I think this article and video interview with Bill Gates could be very relevant to the future of e-mentoring. It strikes me that the seamless integration of different modes of communication, which seems to be central to Microsoft’s ‘schools for the future’, potentially renders obsolete the clear division between face-to-face communication and electronic communication. These are not just ideas; he will make this happen and some of it will shape schools in the UK

1 comment:

Aidan said...

I think this highlights how technology is a great attraction to young people and its use to diseminate information is where it is most powerful. I'm left wondering how parents at home can view their child's teachings, presumably they either have a laptop provided as well or they have to have a computer already. Also the Parent Teacher Meeting would easily lend itself to e-mentoring from home.