Monday, 11 August 2008

1) Standby for incoming

It is widely rumoured that the A level pass rate will exceed 97% this Thursday, which will represent the highest pass rate ever. So, it’s good to see some people getting their revenge in first, I have tried to locate this research paper on the Institute of Directors (IOD) website but there is no trace, maybe it will appear in this coming week. I hope so, because if, as I suspect, this analysis is based on a small self-selecting sample of their members, then it will publicly reveal an appalling ignorance of basic numeracy while complaining about the low standards of numeracy among young people. If this study is indeed based on a small self selecting sample, then the numbers being thrown around have no generalised validity whatsoever, they merely describe numerically the cumulative feelings and prejudices of those members who could be arsed to reply to the survey and cannot in any way be taken to represent the views of the total membership. Indeed, by filling in the form, or agreeing to answer questions, these people have probably already identified themselves as being different; therefore a statistical analysis on the basis of these results is entirely spurious. I know this kind of misunderstanding and misuse of statistics is commonplace, however, if it proves to be true here, then we don’t so much have an objective assessment of young people today but a public demonstration of hubris by the IOD. And while I’m at it, since when have most members of the IOD been experts in anything but the narrow details of their chosen business. Finally, if anyone is in any doubt about the IOD standards you should know that they twice invited me to become a member.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you would have been a great member - they obviously need people like you!