Tuesday, 16 December 2008

2) Slow lane

A recent report found that WP activities aimed at increasing the numbers of disadvantaged students attending English universities have not resulted in "significant increases" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/universityeducation/3548867/Fewer-poor-students-attend-university-in-England-says-report.html

This article takes a wider look at the education system and why that might be http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2008/dec/16/social-inclusion


Anonymous said...

That's interesting. Is it the same across all subject areas? Was there any good news on sciences for e.g. (I thought there was).


John Twineham said...

Hiya Nance,

Did you read the blog in Brazil? Somebody did. I think the most I have argued is that the study of STEM subjects is increasing and that includes a stable proportion of disadvantaged students http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/7679744.stm Consequently, the absolute numbers are increasing but the proportions seem to remain stubbornly low/the same.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the new diplomas like engineering will help to address this as they are capturing young people before the GCSE divide. However, saying that it, it is only if the unis acknowledge the new diplomas will there be any change!