Monday, 12 January 2009

6) Happy Now?

A survey of happiness levels among young people in the UK has been produced there is even a happiness map

Note the unhappy NEETS I think the mental health aspects of disadvantage and social exclusion are often underestimated or ignored and that unhappiness is the nearest we’ll get to recognition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally agree that mental health issues are overlooked/under funded. A friend of mine is a mental health lawyer and my mum has worked as a psychotherapist in various settings for thirty years and from their stories, the combination of poverty and mental illness is devastating and not good for anyone. I know I always bang on about it but the proportion of prisoners suffering from one or more mental disorders is staggering. Not sure if Brightside/Uniaid are equipped to tackle this area but our resident expert (Allie) might have some ideas!